Mitoloxía - Mythology


Dombodán; Segundo Caridad Arias vén de Dominus Bódanus, outro nome latinizado que significa o Deus Bodán: Dominus, señor, amo, Deus. Bódanus, o deus guerreiro xermánico Wotán,Wodan, Bodán, Odín. O nome deste deus, na súa forma escandinava (Odín), na súa forma inglesa (Woden),ou coma na forma xermánica (Wodan), significa furor sagrado. Wodán, Bodan en diante, é o rei dos deuses, o gran mago-druída, deus do sol do día e do sol da noite, deus dos guerreiros e deus dunha parte dos mortos, é o deus correspondente ao Zeus dos gregos, o Xúpiter dos romanos, o Dagda celta dos irlandeses, o Lug entre os galaico-lusitanos.
Temos noticias dos xermanos do pobo suevo por Xulio Cesar e Tácito, este pobo era o máis numeroso dos xermanos e ocupaba dende o século III a.C. o baixo e o medio Rin.
Era unha sociedade, basicamente, de granxeiros, e cultivaba cebada, avea, centeo, millo miúdo tamén chamado painzo (setaria germanica), trigo, así como liño, fabas e hortalizas, sendo moi raros entre eles as froitas. Resultaba, tamén, notable a súa gandería e utilizaban madeira, os minerais e o ámbar.
Era un pobo de orixe indoeuropeo con fortes influencias celtas. Paulo Orosio calcula que existían 54 nacións suevas. Os suevos cuados, que ocupaban a marxe esquerda do Danubio, no que hoxe son o norte de Austria e a República Checa, serán os que no ano 411 a.C. se asenten na Gallaecia dirixidos por Hermerico, que será o primeiro rei do que logo sería o Galliciense Regnum". Bodán é, como diciamos, o deus supremo dos suevos, o acompañan en importancia o deus Thor (deus da forza e o lóstrego, famoso polo seu martelo, é o deus que adoran os labregos), e o deus Fricco (deus do pracer). As pegadas dos suevos en Galicia son moi escasas a nivel arqueolóxico (xoias, Igrexa de San Pedro e Rocas,..), máis se rastrexamos na toponimia e nas lendas obteremos probas do seu paso polas nosas terras.
Gracias a estudios filolóxicos sobre documentos medievais dos mosteiros de Sobrado dos Monxes, Tombo A da Catedral de Santiago, do mosterio de Celanova, de Samos, etc.., sabemos que a gran maioría dos topónimos suevos soen ser antropónimos (topónimos referidos a nome de persoa), en Dombodán temos varios exemplos deles: Brandariz <>Brandericus (Brand + ric) "Rei da Espada". Méndez Ferrín, tamén segue esta proposta: ...falnos da raíz xermánica Brand(a) segundo informa Piel e Kremer, de onde procede Brandericus (Brandariz).
O Galicismo brandir procede do franco "xogar a espada". Gramil de Granamiri: de *Granamirus (Gran + mir). Gran: Barba+ mir: fama, renome. Remesil de Remisol: de rimis. Rimis: Paz, tranquilidade. Rendal de Randuarius, Randawarjaz 'Escudo-Habitante' ou *Randuharjaz 'Escudo-Exército'. Bodan coma vemos representado na imaxe de cabeceira, vai sempre acompañado de dous corvos , son os ollos de Bodan en tódalas partes, recordemos que o deus celta Lug tamén vai acompañado de Bran, o corvo.  


Dombodán; According to Caridad Arias comes from Dominus Bódanus, latinizado another name which means God Bodaño: Dominus, lord, master, God. Bódanus, the Germanic warrior god Wotan, Wodan, Bodaño, Odin. The name of this god, in its Scandinavian form (Odin), in its English form (Woden), or as in the Germanic form (Wodan), means sacred fury. Wodán, Bodaño on, is the king of the gods, the great mage-druid, god of the sun the day and the evening sun, god of warriors and a god of the dead, is the god Zeus for the Greeks the Jupiter of the Romans, the Celtic Irish Dagda, Lug among the Galician-lusitanos .

We have news of the Germans in the Swabian town of Julius Caesar and Tacitus, this town was the most numerous and the Germans occupied since the third century BC the low and the middle Rhine. It was a society basically farmers and cultivated barley, oats, rye, millet also called painzo (setaria Germanic), wheat, and flax, beans and vegetables, being very rare among them the fruit. It was also notable for its livestock and used wood, amber and minerals. He was a people of Indo-European origin with strong Celtic influences. Paul Orosius estimated that there were 54 suebian nations.Cuados the Swabians, who occupied the left bank of the Danube, which today are the north of Austria and the Czech Republic, who will be in 411 BC is based in Galicia led by Hermerico, which will be the first king of what later became the Galliciense Regnum ".
Bodaño is, as we said, the supreme god of the Swabians, the importance attached to the god Thor (god of lightning and force, famous for his hammer, is the god who love farmers), and Fricco god (god of pleasure). The footprints of the Suevi in Galicia are very rare at archaeological (jewelry, Church of St. Peter and Rocks, ..), the track is in place names in the legends and obtain evidence of their passage through our lands. Thanks to philological studies on medieval documents in the monasteries of the monks of Sobrado, tip over the Cathedral of Santiago, mosterio of Celanova, of Samos, etc. .., we know that the vast majority of names are usually antropónimos Swabians (names referring to the name of person), in Dombodán we have several examples of them: Brandariz (4, 1) <> Brandericus (Brand + ric) "King of the Sword". Mendez Ferrin, also follows this order: ... falnos Brand Germanic root of (a) as reported by Kremer and Pielou, from where Brandericus (Brandariz). The gallicism brandir comes from the French "sword play". Gramil of Granamiri: * Granamirus of (+ Great mir). Large: Barb + mir: fame, renowned. Remesil of Remisol: the rimis. Rimis: Peace, tranquility. Rendal of Randuarius, Randawarjaz 'Coat-resident' or * Randuharjaz 'Coat-Army'.

Bodaño as we see represented in the image header, you'll always accompanied by two crows, are the eyes of Bodaño everywhere, remember that the Celtic god Lugh also accompanied by Bran the raven.

Mouros & Mouras


Mucha gente piensa, al escuchar que en una leyenda o cuento gallego se menciona a los mouros o mouras, se está hablando de moros, de personas de procedencia árabe.

Pero los mouros y mouras gallegas de las historias no se refieren a nuestros antepasados musulmanes, y este término ya se empleaba antes de la llegada de los moros a España. El término “mouro” procede del prefijo prerrománico “mor” que significa “piedra”. En las leyendas gallegas los mouros aparecen siempre vinculados a castros, rocas y penedos.
Por otra parte “mor” es también un prefijo latino que significa “muerte”. Nos encontramos pues con una raíz verbal presente en dos idiomas distintos y que se refiere tanto a la piedra como a los muertos.

Se trataría de los hombres y mujeres de piel blanca y cabello rubio que habitaron estas tierras, así como las de Asturias y demás norte de España, en época muy antigua (quizás sean los castrexos, o celtas, o a lo mejor incluso habitantes anteriores a ellos). Otros autores afiman que los mouros en algunos casos eran oscuros de piel, como si fuesen gente ajena a la tierra gallega, mientras que las mouras tenían fama de hechiceras y eran rubias de tez blanca.

Los mouros/as se consideran en la mitología popular los constructores de dólmenes, túmulos, castros, minas romanas y por extensión todo aquel tipo de ruina cuyo origen se pierde en la memoria, como los castillos medievales o algunas casonas y palacios del siglo XVII cuyas entradas tenían forma de arcada.

Aparte de en las leyendas populares,los mouros y mouras aparecen en muchos topónimos gallegos,normalmente señalando la presencia de castros,túmulos funerarios,minas romanas o cualquier tipo de antiguas ruinas.


 The Mouros and Mouras of Galicia and Northern Portugal

Many people think, when listening a legend or story that mentions the gallaecian mouros or mouras, that we are talking about the Moors, people of Arab origin who invaded the southern Iberia, but the “mouras and mouros” stories do not relate to the muslim iberic heritage, once these terms were already in use before their arrival. The term "mouro" prefix comes from the romanesque "mor", meaning "stone". In their legends, they are enchanting beings who are always linked to forts, rocks and boulders. Moreover, "mor" is also a latin prefix meaning "death", consequently picturing them as creatures that were feared by humans, just like in many other European mythologies, sharing similar features with the so popular nymphs who could be found in rivers and lakes, seducing men and devouring them afterwards. But unlike them, we don’t know until what point they could be dangerous or if they were even mortal or just people with special powers. They can be related to the Tuatha de Dannan, but it's uncertain.
These would be men and women of white skin and blond hair who inhabited these lands, as well as those of Asturias in northern Spain and other ancient places just like in the castrexos (celtic hillforts) or maybe even related to their earlier inhabitants. Other authors describe the mouros (masculine) as dark-skinned beings in some cases, as if they were people from outside the Gallaecian land, while the mouras (female) were reputed as fair-skinned witches of golden hair.
The mouros as are considered very important characters of the gallaecian popular mythology as builders of dolmens, barrows, hillforts, roman mines and by extension, all that kind of ruin whose origin is lost in memory, like some medieval castles, mansions and palaces of the seventeenth century whose entries were arch-shaped. Apart from the popular legends, the mouros and mouras names can be found in gallaecian forts, burial mounds, roman mines and in any other ancient ruins.

Video about the Moura's 

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